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Alpine 4-H Horse Camp
Alpine, Wyoming

University of Idaho Cooperative Extension System

College of Agriculture

The University of Idaho is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educational organization. We offer our programs to persons regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

Welcome to Alpine 4-H Horse Camp!  The District IV Alpine 4-H Horse Camp is a unique, exciting activity for 4-H members, leaders in the horse program and their families.  It is an opportunity for all to share in fun and educational horse-related activities, taking advantage of a beautiful mountain setting.


The objectives of the 4-H Horse Program are for young people:

  • To develop leadership, initiative, self-reliance, sportsmanship and other desirable traits of character.

  • To experience the pride of owning a horse or pony and being responsible for its management.

  • To develop an appreciation of horseback riding as a healthy and wholesome form of recreation.

  • To increase knowledge of safety precautions to prevent injury to themselves, others, and their mounts.

  • To promote greater love for animals and a humane attitude toward them.

  • To be better prepared for citizenship responsibilities through working in groups, supporting community projects and activities.

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